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Unsolved Cases

Let's be a part of our Cop and solve the case!


Case #01

A student was found dead, falling from the rooftop of the university building where he studied. After investigation, it was discovered that this case was not a suicide case. Before being found, the victim had met several people at the scene. At the time of the incident, everyone had an alibi, but at the same time, they also had a strong motive to kill the victim.


Case #02

People were shocked to discover an unknown man's body. After an investigation, it is known that the victim was Bagas, a manager of a multinational company. It is estimated that he died one day before his body was found. According to the police statement, Bagas could be a victim of a robbery case. However, the cause may be due to other reasons.



Case #03

A junior national diving athlete was found dead floating in her school's swimming pool right after practice. The victim was Citra Almira Ozgur, a student with a million achievements who became Indonesia's top athlete in the international junior competition. At the incident, Citra asked for additional training in preparation for a prestigious competition held in 2 weeks. There were no witnesses, but there were some people at the same time in the incident location.

DAnte Lee

Case #04

A talented doctor goes missing with some mysterious codes found in his apartment. Besides being known for his friendliness, Dante is also known to have excellent skills at the hospital. Before going missing, he had requested sudden leave. Then he never returned since then. You have to move fast to find him!

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