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Jika kamu menerima game kit dengan dokumen yang tidak lengkap, kami sampaikan penyesalan tulus kami. Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang kamu alami.


Produk dibuat melalui pemeriksaan kualitas sebelum dikirim ke pelanggan. Namun, masih ada produk yang lolos dari pemeriksaan sehingga tidak memenuhi standar kami. Mohon hubungi kami melalui tautan yang diberikan,

kami akan mengirimkannya secara online.


Selain itu, kami selalu terbuka jika ada komentar atau pertanyaan. Kami dengan senang hati akan menjawab setiap pertanyaan yang kamu miliki. Jangan ragu untuk terhubung dengan kami dan berbagi pemikiranmu!

Letter stamps


If you received incomplete documents in our game kit, we are truly sorry the game was not delivered as promised. We also apologize for any inconvenience caused to you.


Our products are made through several quality control checks before sending to customers. However, this one regrettably slipped past those checks and failed to live up to our standards. Kindly contact us through the given link and we will happily send the missing documents to you online.


Other than that, if you have any comments or inquiries, our door is always open for a good cup of coffee. We are here to help and answer any questions you might have. Don't hesitate to connect with us and share your excitement!

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Operational Hours

Monday - Saturday
Order Time :  24 Hours
Delivery Time :  max at 7 PM
WIB (Western Indonesian Time)
UTC/GMT +7 hours 

Our Location

Cakung, East Jakarta,
Jakarta, Indonesia 13950

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